Sunday, June 12, 2011

Contacts for CoC Investigators

To flesh out the Investigators (PCs) in Call of Cthulhu (CoC), I will try the following houserule. Each Investigator has a number of (possible) significant Contacts that depends on his age, Credit Rating, and luck (die roll), as follows:

((Age -30) / 5) + ((Credit Rating -15) / 20) + d3

The assumption is that the Contacts will be mostly from the Investigator's class and profession. Before rolling anything for these potential Contacts, the player can decide to either (1) replace two Contacts by one Contact of a higher social standing, or (2) replace one Contact by two Contacts of a lower social standing.

Once the social status of all the Contacts has been decided, roll d100 for each of them. The number is a measure of the closeness of the Contact (list them on the character sheet with the Contact info). The higher the number, the more significant and close the Contact is to the Investigator. It could be a member of the family, lover, or best friend. With low results, the Contact is just an acquaintance. The numbers also represents how likely the Contact is to aid the Investigator when called upon.

I might also use a table for deciding the social standing of the Contacts.

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